Is Eve Online dying with the new ownership?

 The biggest issue EVE has is stagnation. Some of those highest PCU (Peak Consecutive Users) are at a time when massive wars were on going or new features released to fix issues so people can have more wars.

Instead nullsec has become a big blu
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https://shopfungadgets.come donut. Combat flares up occasionally only to die away without hardly a shot. The improvements to sovereignty made it even more difficult to work with. Larger groups continue to get larger while smaller groups eke out a living in lowsec or wormhole space.

The spike at PCU 2016 is when EVE went free to play. So even with the game being free it hasn’t exceeded they heyday of 2011–2015. I’m hopeful that the new leadership can direct energy towards revitalizing the nullsec stories and fine tuning what is really a great game.


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“Is Eve Online dying with the new ownership?” I don’t think so — the game is still evolving and the concurrent user counts are still pretty high topping out at 40k fairly often. I don’t think a game like Eve is ever going to be a huge overall profit engine so if maximum margin is the goal, then Eve will definitely die. However, if the goal is to just implement an amazing and ever evolving sandbox + space game that does make some profit, then it should be with us for the foreseeable future. Personally, I clearly fall into the later camp and my fingers are eternally crossed that the management feels the same way.

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